Jay is Jewish. Sandy comes from a Protestant background.
They fell in love in college and got married after establishing their careers. Now, a baby is on the way. But what religion shall they raise the little one? They have been having some sharp disagreements about this lately.
Peter was raised in a religious Christian home. His wife Jean is Jewish. Lately, they have felt the need for a faith life for their family but, where to attend? He is uncomfortable in the synagogue they have been visiting. Somehow, religion without Jesus seems to miss the point. She has visited church, but feels uncomfortable as if she is betraying her Jewish people. At this point they feel like abandoning the search for God. Jews and non Jews are marrying in greater numbers than ever before — in some American cities 60% of all Jewish marriages involve a non-Jewish partner.
The Messianic Jewish movement offers encouragement to couples of differing backgrounds, and who desire to have an active, meaningful religious life for themselves and their children. Messianic Judaism begins with Yeshua (Jesus) the Jew.
A happy byproduct of our unique identity is an atmosphere in which Jewish and Christian intermarried couples can feel comfortable, why? because elements of both historic identities come together in our synagogues.
“The battles over religious identity are significantly resolved for Messianic Jewish families. Parents of different backgrounds can pass on a clear, unified religious identity to their children.”
Many Jewish people marry non-Jewish people who believe in Jesus. These couples love each other and love their children. They seek to find some common ground where they can both hold onto their self identity and raise their children with a religious identity that’s consistent with their own.
Often when intermarried couples are faced with determining a religious identity for their children they choose one of the following avenues to solve the problem.
One parent attends a church and the other a synagogue. They then alternate the places of worship that the child attends each week.
They decide to let the child determine for themselves where he / she would like to worship once they come of age.
Far more often than not the Jewish partner ends up attending a church or does not want to fight the battle and the children are brought up in a church.
The battles over religious identity are significantly resolved for Messianic Jewish families. Parents of different backgrounds can pass on a clear, unified religious identity to their children. Congregation Simchat Yisrael gives parents that option. It offers a faith community for both parents and children to grow and thrive. A community founded to assist Jewish individuals, families, and intermarried couples in worshipping the God of Israel and His Messiah Yeshua within a Jewish context.
“The fact is, Jesus’ earliest followers were Jewish. They never thought of becoming anything else!”
Our synagogues place great emphasis on creating nurturing, joyful, secure and morally ennobling environments for our children. We offer Hebrew training, teen ministries and as safe place for kids to be kids.
Even though being Jewish and believing in Jesus is controversial in our day, Messianic Judaism has deep roots in the realities of history. The fact is, Jesus’ earliest followers were Jewish. They never thought of becoming anything else! These early followers emphasized the acceptance of non-Jews into their midst. And the Gentiles who did join the faith saw themselves as being engrafted into a Jewish-rooted faith expression.
Are You Intermarried?
We invite you to find out about us! You may find a faith for your family which is vibrant, sincere and most important, which honors some of the most important — though sometimes forgotten — religious truths ever communicated.
For more information, call 203-932-9929 or email us at synagogueinfo@gmail.com.